Kininmonth Primary
Loons & Lassikies - New Rhymes Fur Auld

Annie Shirer Doric Workshop Wi Pauline Cordiner 10th March 2025

P1-4 Rhymes
Created by the whole class
and Pauline

Annie Shirer rode her bike
Roon the Kininmonth fairms
Sangs an poyems and riddles she got
Fae the fairmers, wives an bairns

Fowk that bide in Aiberdeen
Think Kininmonth is quiet
Maybe they shuild bide here
Maybe they shuild try it
Ye see they’re wrang, the city fowk
The country isnae full o peace!
There’s hee-haws, oinks an moos an neighs
An the honkin o the geese

5-7 Rhymes
Created by the whole class
and Pauline

Hallowe’en is on its wiy
An we will howk a neep
We’ll dress up as a boodie
An fae ahent a dyke we’ll leap
An wi a skirl we’ll gie a fleg!
An mak the bairnies weep

(After Yule has come and yule has gane)

Kittlens, dugs, yowes an shelties
They are the best o craiturs
Bit wi dinna like wee beasties
Like midgies, flechs an slaters!

If ye brak yer beens ye canna waak
If ye canna waak, ye canna gan tae skweel
If ye canna gan tae skweel, ye canna get a degree
So waak, skweel, degree
And that’s the wye tae be free

(After if ye canna ate ye canna work, by Ella-Rose, Connor and Ruby)

Gies my kilt and my bag pipes, my westcoat and my sheen
And that maks a piper fit for Chairlie and his Queen

Gies mi kilt an mi bag pipes, mi westcoat an mi sheen
An that maks a piper fit fur Chairlie an his Queen

(After Gies my breeks and my jacket, by Ella-Rose, Connor and Ruby)

Me and my Grannie went to the zoo
And then we saw a right auld coo
Then we wunnered fit next to do
So we went awa hame to fill oor mou
We went outside and saw a puddock wi a big shoe

Me an mi Grannie gaed tae the zoo
An then wi saw a richt auld coo
Syne wi wunnered fit next tae do
So wi wint awa hame tae fill oor mou
Wi wint outside an saw a puddock wi a big shoe

(After Me and my Grannie and a great lot mair, no names on this sheet)

Sheltie Shoo picked a feather aff a coo
And selt it to Beltie Boo
Who has a coo named Sue
Hunky Chunky did a moo
And then he bought a shoe
The shoe said boo
So Sheltie Shoo is tired noo

Sheltie Shoo picked a feather aff a coo
An selt it tae Beltie Boo
Fa his a coo cried Sue
Hunky Chunky did a moo
An then he bocht a shoo
The shoe spiered boo!
Syne Sheltie Shoo is tired noo

(After Charlie Chat he milk’d the cat, no names on this sheet)

I widna hae a fisherman ava va va
I widna hae a fisherman ava va va
For he’s a bowfin moustache
Has a yokey rash
He guffs o fash
He’s got nae cash
And I widnae hae a fisherman ava va va

I widnae hae a fisherman ava va va
I widnae hae a fisherman ava va va
Fur he’s a bowfin moustache
His an affa yokey rash
He aye guffs o fash
His aye got nae cash
An I widnae hae a fisherman ava va va

(After I widna hae a baker ava va va, no names on this sheet)

Good luck, to all people who go an hawk
You’ll be the best o’ them aa!
Just ging an get ur matirials
Ging an hurl, roon the toon

Gweed luck tae aa fowk fa ging an hawk
Ye’ll be the best o’ them aa!
Jist ging an get yer materials
Ging an hurl roon the toon

(After Guid faith! I’m sure your pans will sell, no names on this sheet)

You can chase me here syne chase me ere
Come chase me for a teddy bear
Come chase me roon an roond
For o them aa you are the best loon

Ye can chase mi here syne chase me ere
Come chase mi fur a teddy bear
Come chase mi roon an roond
For o them aa ye are the best loon

(After Come chise me oot, come chise me in, Hamish Lia and Jessica)

Micky Buchan pinched a car
To gang to jile he must gang far
His mither and faither are gye sad
He mibye shoodna hiv bin so bad

Micky Buchan pinched a car
Tae gang tae jile he maun gang far
His mither an faither are gye sad
He meybe shoodna hiv bin sae bad

(After Here’s John Henderson dwells in the moss of Savock, by Angelica, Alivia? Sienna)

Up to the knees in cald fite snaa
Up to the knees in ice
Altho I’m only shovilin snaa
I wid like to bide somewye nice

Up tae the knees in cald fite snaa
Up tae the knees in ice
Altho I’m only shovilin snaa
I wid like tae bide somewye nice

(After Up to the knees among dubs an clay, by Angelica, Alivia? Sienna)

P5-7 Rhymes created in groups based on Annie’s collected rhymes

Pauline's suggested Doric spellings in italics